Horwath and Wilson recall working with Mayor Wade during the 2001 to 2003 City Council term.
Joey’s Notepad: Bob Wade, Hamilton’s First Amalgamated Mayor, 1933 – 2023
The Mayor of the Town of Ancaster before amalgamation, Wade brought together the former six municipalities of Hamilton together.
Ward 4 Council Candidate Cindy Kennedy Failed to Disclosure Election Spending
Election Audit Compliance Committee to meet next Friday to Decide on Matter
Latest Hamilton Farmers Market Consultant Report Says Reno or Move Market
Report says Council should spend $200K to plan redesign or move of Market. Lists dozens of other issues, which were already known.
Notepad: New Report “The Municipal Role in Transportation”
The Who Does What Series – academic papers which explore and try to explain Canada’s dynfunctional federalism in which municipalities have no constitutional status yet are required to deliver essential services – issued its latest paper “The Municipal Role in Transportation.”
Hamilton Farmers Market Board Exploring Canada Day Opening
Vendor reps want Council to declare Market a tourism destination to allow them to be open on Saturday Canada Days.
City of Hamilton, Niagara Escarpment Commission, and Spallacci Reach Deal for John/Charlton Towers Development
Three towers will respect escarpment height and be designed to minimize visual contrast with escarpment.
City and Titan Recycling Await Court Hearing on Freelton Scrapyard
Councillors vote to extend conditional operating license awaiting court ruling if use is grandfathered zoning
Hamilton Extends James Baptist Church “Minor Alternation” Heritage Permit, Again
City staff state they’ve had productive meetings with the new owners who bought in 2022. All heritage requirements are being met.
BRIEF: Toronto Staff Recommend Ending Backyard Urban Hens Pilot
City of Toronto staff are recommending an end to backyard hens due to “the considerable costs and resource impacts required to safely administer a City-wide program and the emerging concern of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).”