The Veterans’ Committee – which I participate in as a resource (I served three years) – held its June meeting on Tuesday the 21st.
This was the first meeting with new members for the 2014 – 2018 Council term.
Hamilton City Council – Open for Business Committee for June 24, 2016
Hamilton Council’s Open for Business Committee meets to discuss business licensing, and planning application processes.
Live video at 1:30pm
Mississauga Councillors Not Happy About Campaign Finance Reforms
An interesting read from Metroland’s Mississauga operation on Mayor Bonnie Crombie’s reaction to banning corporate and union donations to municipal political candidates.
The short, Crombie want’s the province to provide assistance to municipal candidates to ‘recoup income lost’.
Hamilton City Council for June 22, 2016
City Council meets to ratify their committee work of the past two weeks. Live video starts at 5:00pm
Liberals Increase Ontario Municipal Board Application Fee to $300 from $125
The Ontario Liberal government is increasing the application fee for filing to the Ontario Municipal Board to $300 from its present $125 level.
The proposal is in the form of a new Ontario Regulation released last week.
The new fee takes effect on July 1, 2016.
Hamilton Committee of Adjustment for June 23, 2016
Committee of Adjustment will hear 24 applications during their June 23 meeting. Here are a couple which drew the attention of The Public Record. Full Agenda on the City website. 100 Wilson Street, Hamilton The City of Hamilton, acting as the developer of the proposed Police Investigative Services Building, is hoping to use the Committee […]
The London Mayoral Sex Scandal and The Municipal Act
The Municipal Act does not provide for much that a council can do, outside of imposing penalties following an integrity commissioner report, in response to the misbehaviour of a member of council.
The true consequence for both Brown and Cassidy is the lose of respect and standing resulting from this affair, and the very high likelihood they’ll be removed from office for failing to live up to their campaign promise of bringing integrity back to City Hall.
Supreme Court of Canada Upholds Federal Authority over Cellphone Towers – Overriding Municipal Regulations
The Supreme Court of Canada weighted in on the municipal regulation of cellphone towers by ruling radiocommunications is solely within federal jurisdiction under the constitution and municipalities cannot block the installation of towers.
Randle Reef Cleanup Underway, Environment Ministers Visit for Update
Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna visited Hamilton on Friday for a media briefing and photo-op at the site of the ongoing $140-million dollar cleanup operation.
Hamilton City Council GIC for June 15, 2016
It’s Super GIC Wednesday at City Council as they decide on the future of Auchmar, Pool Enclosures Bylaw, Mayor’s Intelligent Community Task Force, On-Street Patios Pilot, Postal Banking, Grants Sub-Committee 2015 Grants Decisions, Tobogganing Locations, and the future least at John C Munro Airport.
Live at 9:30am