Council’s meets as Board of Health to plan the Public Health work plan priorities for 2017, and prioritize their outstanding business.
Hamilton City Council Public Works Committee for January 16, 2017
Council’s Public Works Committee meets Monday to discuss the state of Hamilton’s roads, selling part of an alley in Beasley, the Kay Drage Park Trail, and a citizen delegation asking for bike infrastructure on Sydenham Road.
The full agenda is here, and The Public Record will post a recording of the meeting as soon as possible after its completion. The meeting starts at 9:30am.
Hamilton City Council: Development Industry Liaison Group for January 2017
The agenda for this Liaison Group is not publicly available in advance of the meeting. The Public Record will attend at the beginning of the meeting. At 9:30am, Council Public Works Committee is also meeting.
The Ainslie Wood Community Association: Some Impressions by Joey Coleman
There are residents on the AWCA working to transition it from single issue advocacy to an established neighbourhood association that is focused on community planning instead of reactionary responses to Town and Gown issues.
"Renovating" Wendel Clark's Grill Behind on Rent to City
Wendel Clark’s Classic Grill & Bar is officially closed for renovations, they are also in arrears on their rent.
Addressing Social Isolation Among Seniors – Hamilton Seniors Advisory Committee
As the number of seniors – and their proportion of the overall population – increases, addressing quality of life issues such as isolation will be critical not only to seniors, but to all of us as we need to find cost effective means of decreasing health care costs, and finding ways for seniors to meaningfully engage in our community will be critical to the quality of life of all of us.
Hamilton City Hall Building a Smartphone App for Apple and Android Devices
Hamilton City Hall is building a smartphone application for iOS and Android devices.
The Two Touchstones Joey Coleman is Watching for at Council in 2017
Originally posted on, TPR’s microblog I’m breaking with traditional journalistic convention in this start of the year look ahead post. I’ll pass on listing topics of debate in the coming year and tackle a bigger issue. In 2017, I’ll be watch for progress on two culture touchstones, because no matter the issue, they’ll define […]
Join Us on January 12 for The Public Record at The Pub: The roots of Hamilton's Urban/Suburban Divide and What We Can Do To Fix It
Did you know Hamilton’s Urban/Suburban divide can trace its roots to the 1849 Baldwin Act?
Join us on Thursday, January 12, 2016 for a discussion of the urban / suburban divide in Ontario and what we can do to fix it with Dr. Zac Spicer of Brock University, the author of The Boundary Bargain: Growth, Development and the Future of City-County Separation
In the months leading up to the 2018 Election, The Public Record is committed to improve the civic discussion in Hamilton and will be hosting a monthly series of events we’re calling The Public Record at The Pub.
Council to Debate Entertainment on Outdoor Patios on January 17, 2017
Planning staff are bringing forth a temporary use by-law that will enable restaurants with patios in commercial districts to have outdoor entertainment. Presently, all entertainment on patios is forbidden within the zoning bylaws.