A look at the challenges of municipal budgeting, ‘municipal inflation’, and where other municipalities are in their budget processes.
Newsletter Edition – on Encampments: Provincial and National Updates
Notes from the TPR Newsletter Edition
Newsletter Edition – Encampments and Homelessness: Hamilton May Succeed in Court
From the newsletter edition: a look at Hamilton’s legal strategy and why it may work.
Newsletter Edition – Opening Note: Team Hamilton and Filomena Tassi’s Pending Retirement
There is still honour in politics, and one of the truly honourable ones recently announced their retirement.
Hamilton Barton/Tiffany Tiny “Temporary” Shelters Opening Delayed, Provincial Ministry of Labour Issues Orders
The City original claimed it was delaying opening the site to ‘ensure the safety of residents.’ In fact, the delay is because the Ministry of Labour has ordered work stopped due to violations.
OLT Approves City of Hamilton / Vrancor Deal to Permit 30 and 31-Storeys at Queen South and Napier
A settlement will allow six-storey seniors apartments, and two tall buildings of 30 and 31 storeys. There will be approximately 975 rental units.
Vantage Dev Corp Seeks to Buy James Baptist out of Bankruptcy
Superior Court approves $13-mil bankruptcy purchase bid, gives other bidders until December 18 to outbid. City supportive, extending all development permits.
Joey’s Notepad: The Gore Buildings are not the First Dangerous Building Collapse in Hamilton
The Gore Park buildings collapse are the latest in a Hamilton tradition going back decades: building collapses followed by City Hall inaction on promises of action.
Joey’s Notepad: CityLab’s Public Engagement Sessions – Learning and Learning
The CityLab undergraduate course is teaching future leaders how to engage and giving community voice to Council today.
Hamilton City Council and Civic Affairs Week Ahead for November 18 to 22, 2024
A look at the 12 City Council meeting this week, and one Ontario Land Tribunal hearing.