Posted inEditors Note

NYCs Transit Works Issue Ten Point Plan, Should Hamilton's ATU Do Something Similar

Could launching a plan to fix the current HSR help breath life into the ATU’s LRT campaign? Or would highlighting the many shortcomings of HSR upper management further undermine the LRT campaign?
The reality is the HSR is in crisis, and with some Councillors now openly talking about the HSR’s multi-million dollar deficit, the time for a transit discussion has arrived in Hamilton.

Posted inCity Hall, Hamilton City Council

Despite Multi-Million Deficits, HSR Failed to Put Bus Ad Contract to Competitive Bid in 2015 & 2016

Hamilton’s embattled transit division is facing another multi-million dollar shortfall this year, but despite successful advertising agencies, including Pattison and Corus Entertainment, seeking to offer the City more money for bus advertising, Council approved putting off competitive bids and failed to hold HSR managers to a 2015 deadline for the bids.