Ontario’s municipal governments are required to meet in public session for all be a few exceptional reasons. There are no consequences for violation Ontario’s open meeting laws. Here are a few recent open meeting violation reports. Casselman’s illegal council meeting is one of the wildest ombuds reports yet The council of the municipality of Casselman […]
Joey’s Notepad: Municipal Councils Taking Meeting Security Measures, Some Going Online Only
Councils are moving online and/or restricting in-person public access to meetings as the problems of civility and decorum continue to worsen.
BRIEF: OLT Settlement Hearing for Chedoke Browlands will Occur on Monday
The deal, which is not yet public, will enable the redevelopment of the Chedoke Browlands, nearly two decades after the former hospital lands were purchased in 2006.
Notepad: Drug Decriminalization Will Not Happen in Ontario
Following the unsuccessful decriminalization pilot in B.C., Ontario’s politicians say they will not pursue decriminalization here
Notepad: Other Ontario Municipalities Watching Hamilton’s Renoviction Bylaw
Will other municipalities sit on the sidelines if Hamilton’s bylaw faces a legal challenge, or will they help Hamilton cover its legal fees?
BRIEF: Rosedale Tennis Club Seeks Additional $300K to $1.33M City Loan
“The funds will cover the changes required to meet added costs for changes that are above the contingency amount set aside for the project,” writes the club’s president.
Ontario Ombudsman Investigating October 24, 2023 Hamilton Meeting
During this meeting, without any public notice and without adding the discussion to the agenda, in closed session, councillors discusssed and decided to change the terms of reference of the Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee
BRIEF: 72 James North Receivership Sale
Building was owned by Forge and Foster, now held by a numbered company related to a company guilty of renovating tenants.
Joey’s Notepad: Toxicity is Driving People Out of Municipal Politics
The Province of Quebec plans to make threatening politicians a provincial offence, with fines of up to $1500. The new law will also include a fine of up to $500 for disrupting council meetings.
BRIEF: Hamilton-Burlington Realtor’s Association Merges with Mississauga, Simcoe, and Waterloo
New association will likely have a more regional approach to planning, land use, municipal regulations, and a host of issues related to their industry.