A list of public governance meetings for the upcoming week.
Newsletter Editon – Land Use and Development Planning
A roundup of recent Council and OLT Decision, plus other Hamilton land-use planning news.
Newsletter Edition — City Hall News Briefs
A summary of recent City Hall news.
Newsletter Edition – Recap of November 18 to 22, 2024
A review of the city council meetings the past week.
Newsletter Edition: Urban Boundary Expansions – Developers Battling Developers at the OLT and at Queen’s Park
Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government is expanding Hamilton’s urban boundary by proxy: allowing developers to go to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
Special Meeting of CityHousing Hamilton Board includes Closed Door Discussion of Jamesville Settlement Talks
The last City closed door discussion regarding settlement talks was on October 16.
In late October, all sides informed the Ontario Land Tribunal they would not file agreed statement of facts.
City of Hamilton Staff Explain Why the Ministry of Labour Issued Stop Work Order at Barton / Tiffany
City says Ministry deemed work had begun because two contractors were on site: a security company and another company installing fencing.
Newsletter Edition – Collapsing Buildings, Demolishing Engagement: How Did We End Up Here?
The first week of the second half of the 2022-26 Council term reflected the gloomy mood of a city watching the final demolition of the Gore Park buildings.
Newsletter Edition: The 2025 City of Hamilton Budget Begins
A look at the challenges of municipal budgeting, ‘municipal inflation’, and where other municipalities are in their budget processes.
Newsletter Edition – on Encampments: Provincial and National Updates
Notes from the TPR Newsletter Edition