Posted inPodcasts

The Public Record Radio Show for November 23, 2016

The Public Record is airing (“In Beta”) a weekly radio show on Hamilton’s community radio station 93.3FM CFMU each Wednesday morning at 8:30 a.m.
For the rest of the year, the show will be a short 30 minutes. In 2017, the goal is to expand the show to a few hour, and eventually to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
This week, I was joined by Chris Moore, Rob McCann, and Keanin Loomis to discuss the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce’s new Digital Hamilton task force and what’s needed to move Hamilton’s digital economy.

Posted inHamilton City Council

Hamilton City Council for November 9, 2016

Hamilton City Council conducts its regular meeting tonight to ratify both the committee work of the past two weeks, but also to ratify the results of its longest-ever meeting on October 25 when they spent 12 hours debating LRT. Following regular business, there are two motions on the table: A Skelly motion to withdrawal her request for “exit ramps” during the West Harbour real estate sale process, and a motion from Partridge to reconsider and disband the LRT sub-committee.
Live video starts at 5pm.