Posted inPlanning and Development

212 King William Street Development Application Filed

The developer, Melrose Investments, is proposing a six-storey 108 residential unit building with six ground floor commercial units and 84 parking spots.
The building will front along the south side King William from Ferguson Avenue to Jarvis Street. The commercial is proposed for the western portion of the ground floor, with residential lobby and amenities taking the eastern portion of the ground floor.

Posted inCouncil Standing Committees, Planning and Development, Videos

Hamilton City Council Planning Committee for April 4, 2017

Hamilton City Council’s Planning Committee quickly approved two zoning amendments in Glanbrook: 3079 Homestead Drive and 9890 & 9906 Twenty Road West. They then turned down, in support of Ancaster Councillor Lloyd Ferguson’s opposition, an application for residential development at 125 Wilson Street East in Ancaster. Councillors also voted down a recommendation from the Municipal […]

Posted inCommunity Events, Videos

Useful Knowledge Society of Hamilton: Getting Ready for Intensification

Hamilton’s Useful Knowledge Society hosted two speakers on March 7, 2017 to discuss how our city can prepare for intensification and population growth forecast to occur during the next 35 years.
Hamilton’s population is forecast to grow by 250,000 people during that time.
Two speakers, Richard Harris and John Nostrand, brought their insight to the discussion. Each provided a presentation that was followed by a question and answer period.