The Veterans Committee states private memorials are outside of its mandate. They are interested in assisting with the preservation of the plaque.
Hamilton’s Tax Assessment Increased 1.1% in 2021
Residential assessment grown slowed due to COVID construction delays. Two big projects – The Marquee at 20 George Street and the new L3 Harris Wescam facility in Flamborough led assessment growth.
Hamilton Airport Reporting Improvement in Finances Despite Year Two of Pandemic
Hamilton airport continues to see record levels of cargo volume and is hoping to rebound with passenger flights in the coming year.
Hamilton Committee of Adjustment for February 24, 2022: Updated
Variances and severances to enable residential intensification, one secondary dwelling unit, and a grandfathered house on prestige industrial lands are among the noteworthy files.
Municipal Heritage Cmte to Debate Objections to Heritage Registrations in Waterdown Village
The HMHC will vote on seven new heritage designations and 208 non-designation heritage registry status additions for properties in the historic Waterdown Village area where European settlers settled around the Grindstone Creek. .
Summary of Hamilton’s Committee of Adjustment Meeting for February 17, 2022
Most notable among the decisions this week, the CoA supports small residential units outside of the Downtown Core, citing the needs for more rental housing to address affordability, says no to a secondary unit in Westdale because it will be rented to students, and a quirk of the building code prevents common sense.
Active Hamilton Library Members Decreases 20% During Pandemic
Physical visits to library branches reached 50 percent of pre-pandemic levels before the omicron wave of COVID, with total circulation, digital and physical, down 36 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels.
295% Increase in “Long Overdue” Items Since October 2020
Hamilton’s Public Library is receiving complaints about increasing wait times for items not being returned, and considering incentives to encourage on-time returns.
Committee of Adjustment Votes Against Allowing Secondary Unit Because Students
Student rentals ‘pose a problem’ for the neighbourhood, says the CoA Member who moved the denial.
Analysis: Looking at the 547 Hamilton “Convoy” Donors on the Hacked GiveSendGo List
$72,169 Canadian worth of donations came from Hamilton postal code. A look where donors live in Hamilton, and the social media footprints of the top donors.