How do we build a fair electoral system? Three speakers will address the issue: Professor Karen Bird, McMaster University Be the Vote, a youth voting initiative Desmond Cole, writer and project co-ordinator for City Vote Replay
Hamilton Police Services Board for July 2015
Full recording of the Hamilton Police Service Board meeting for July 2015.
NDP Rally A Full Dress Rehearsal for Fall Campaign
NDP rally a dress rehearsal for fall election when Mulcair comes back to win new ridings in Hamilton.
Feds Award Contract for Randle Reef to Hamilton's McNally Construction
Finally, this time, it looks like the Randle Reef cleanup is actually going to happen after decades of debate and delay.
Hamilton’s McNally Construction wins federal procurement contract for $140-million Randle Reef remediation project, according to Federal procurement website.
Municipal Government Is Important, Elections Should Be Treated As Such
Our current system of municipal voting is broken, Ontario’s municipal elections need an independent organization to operate and oversee them.
Sarcoa and Noise Bylaw – The City Hall Debates Video Flashback
With Sarcoa’s noise bylaw violations back in the news, The Public Record reached into our video archive to give you the ability to see the City Hall debates for yourself.
Hamilton City Council for July 2015
Hamilton City Council meets to debate the committee work of the July Council week.
Dave Meslin Speaks in Hamilton on Electoral Reform
Famed electoral reform advocate – who Hamilton City Clerks say is the “activist” that spurred the province to review the Municipal Elections Act – Dave Meslin (@Meslin) is speaking at Hamilton City Hall tonight. Meslin is a leading force for electoral reform in Hamilton, a renowned speaker, and leading engaged citizen in Toronto. Replay
Council Audit, Finance, and Administration Committee for July 8, 2015
Council meets for their Audit, Finance, and Administration meeting. There is one big item on the agenda, a motion to study the merits of a Municipal Land Transfer Tax. Replay
Hamilton Planning Committee for July 7, 2015
A long Planning Committee is expected today as Councillors debate and approval a new Rural Zoning Bylaw for the entire City of Hamilton. Many delegations registered to speak, and it is expected the Bylaw will be appealed to the OMB. Replay