Hamilton City Council meets to approve their committee work of the past two weeks and to debate motions, including a motion to seek an injunction to shut down the operation of Uber in Hamilton. Related: UBER’s Hamilton Email Blitz an Uber-Failure Replay Video
UBER's Hamilton Email Blitz an Uber-Failure
Uber may know how to beat the taxi industry, but is completely loss at how to win votes from City Council.
Hamilton Council Budget Delegations for 2016
Hamilton City Council’s annual public delegations on the budget runs from 3pm to 7pm, and you can watch live here on The Public Record.
Hamilton Council Emergency and Community Services Committee for February 8, 2016
Council’s E&CS Committee’s main topics of discussion today are an update on the Social Assistance Management Software, the McQueston Urban Farm, and delegations from the Hamilton Community Legal Clinic “respecting endorsement of a report to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights” and the YWCA Hamilton “respecting the YWCA Hamilton Transitional Living […]
Hamilton Council Audit, Finance, Admit Committee for February 8, 2016
Council’s Audit, Finance, and Administration meets for primarily administrative housekeeping items. One item of special note, Council reviewed an additional $50 administration fee for lead-pipe replacement loans.
Hamilton City Council Regular GIC for February 3, 2016
City Councillors meet in GIC to hear a pitch for a soccer bubble at the new civic stadium and numerous other administrative matters. Live video starts at 9:30 a.m.
Hamilton City Council Budget GIC for February 1, 2015 (10-year HSR Budget Plan)
The 2016 Public Works departmental budget presentation included a lengthy debate on the 10-year HSR transit improvement plan, controversial remarks about Colombia being “backwards” by Lloyd Ferguson, and a tabling of a decision on the future of DARTS. Full replay video.
The End of The Guelph Mercury and The Future of The Hamilton Spectator
A look at the end of the Mercury and what it may foreshadow for Hamilton’s local paper.
Hamilton Council GIC Budget for January 29, 2016
City Councillors meet in Budget GIC to receive the 2016 budget requests from the Public Health and Planning & Economic Development Live video starts at 9:30am on The Public Record.
Hamilton Council GIC Budget for January 27, 2016
City Councillors meet in Budget GIC to receive the 2016 budget requests from the Hamilton Public Library and the Hamilton Police Service. Live video starts at 9:30am on The Public Record.