Hamilton City Council’s Emergency and Community Services Committee meets for their March meeting. Included on the agenda, presentation of the Rolston Neighbourhood Plan. Replay video.
Hamilton City Council Audit, Finance, Administration Committee for March 7, 2016
Replay of the meeting.
The Ward 7 Candidates Forum: What Each Candidate Said In Pitch to Get Your Vote
Election day less than three weeks away (March 21), and 17 candidates came out to the Ukrainian Hall on Upper Wentworth to give their four minute pitch to an audience of over 150 people.
The Public Record’s summarizes all 17 pitches.
Hamilton City Council for February 24, 2016
Full Replay of Hamilton City Council’s February 24, 2016 meeting.
Tivoli Condo Development Moving Forward: Heritage Pre-Consultation Meeting
The big question now? what to do with the remaining portion of the former Tivoli lobby – demo or reno?
Time for Hamilton Councillors to Stop Charging Taxpayers for Their Lunches
If City Council is on a crusade to find every dollar they can save taxpayers, here’s a suggestion: eliminate free lunches for City Councillors and senior “sunshine list” staff.
Hamilton City Council Budget Elimination Day 2016
Hamilton City Council is meeting for their final day of budget deliberations where they decide on budget enhancements and program cuts. Live video starts at 9:30am
C.W.O. Jack Clifford McFarland EM CD (1921 – 2016)
Jack McFarland was a connective force in Hamilton’s civic fabric for over 60 years earning many honours including induction as a Knight of the Order of the French Legion of Honour and Hamilton’s Gallery of Distinction.
The Public Record Editor Joey Coleman on Windsor's Rose City Politics [Podcast]
I had the pleasure of being on Windsor’s community radio station CJAM-FM on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 for the Rose City Politics show. Along with guest Doug Schmidt of The Windsor Star, we discuss how City Hall coverage is changing as more independent get involved in civic coverage and a very good discussion of the […]
Hamilton City Council GIC for February 17, 2016
Councillors will discuss the City’s long-term vision plan “Our Future Our Hamilton”, the creation process for the 2016 -2025 strategic plan, the City’s tourism/hospitality industry strategy, and more. Live video starts at 9:30am