Hamilton City Council meets to debate St. Mark’s, Poverty Reduction, Ward Boundary Review, and the Gore Buildings.
Live video at 9:30am
Ted McMeekin Remarks on LRT at McMaster Institute for Transportation and Logistics
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ted McMeekin offered opening remarks at the McMaster Institute for Transportation and Logistics research presentation “Benchmarking, Planning and Promoting Transit-
Oriented Intensification in Rapid Transit Areas”.
The presentation was held on May 31, 2016 at the Hamilton Waterfront Conference Centre.
Hamilton Planning Committee for May 31, 2016
Live video of City Council’s Planning Committee.
Hughson Street Baptist Proposing Affordable Housing Development with Indwell
Hughson Street Baptist Church is holding a public meeting on Wednesday June 1 at 500 James Street North starting at 6:30pm to unveil plans for including affordable housing as part of a new church building at the corner of James Street North and Picton Street. They plan to partner with Indwell. Indwell is one of Hamilton’s […]
Hamilton Council Public Works Committee for May 30, 2016
Council’s Public Works Committee will discuss hiring a social media coordinator for the HSR, improvements to composting facilities, adding a pond to Gage Park, and more.
Live video at 9:30am
Flamborough Chamber of Commerce Holds Public Meeting on LRT [Full Video]
The Flamborough Chamber of Commerce hasn’t taken an official position on the Hamilton B-Line LRT project. It has questions, and many concerns.
As part of their mandate to promote informed civic engagement, the Chamber invited staff from the LRT office to speak to Chamber members in Flamborough on the project.
The Public Record was there, and here’s the full video of the meeting.
Hamilton City Council for May 25, 2016
Hamilton City Council meets to ratify their business of the past two weeks, including the Piers 7 & 8 Urban Design Study, the LRT debate minutes, and more.
Live at 5:00 p.m.
Special Hamilton Council GIC – Presentation by Hamilton Health Sciences on HHS 20 Year Plan
Council is holding a special GIC meeting to hear from Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation on the hospital system’s 20 year plan.
Live at 1:00pm
HSR David Dixon Leaving Position in Mid-June, Search for Replacement Begins
Dixon marked a significant departure from his predecessor. He became known as the transit director who believed in public transit.
ATU president says “I believe a lot of it has to do with his frustration dealing with a divided council”
Hamilton's Business Internet Options are Limited, Time for Chamber to Lead A Movement to Bring High Speed to Hamilton
Hamilton’s businesses are choking on slow internet speeds and high internet costs.
It’s time to fix this.