Posted inCity Hall

City Website Implements Council Direction, Ads Dedicated Sponsor/Partner Advertising Space

The City of Hamilton’s new website now includes sponsorship advertising as part of the new design. This follows Council direction to find revenue opportunities from web based advertising. The result is a dedicated area at the bottom of the City homepage for “Sponsors / Partners” which plugs the programming corporations are paying to support in […]

Posted inCity Hall

City Releases Partial Video of Ferguson Physical Altercation, Half of Video Not Preserved

It’s only 15 seconds partially preserved video of the incident where Councillor Ferguson violently grabbed journalist Joey Coleman, but it is clear enough to prove the Basse Report false, to prove Councillor Ferguson was violent in his use of physical violence, that Coleman was standing where he should be in City Hall – the public foyer outside the media room -, and that Councillor Ferguson violated the City’s Zero Tolerance for Violence Policy.