Posted inCommunity Events, Videos

Useful Knowledge Society of Hamilton: Getting Ready for Intensification

Hamilton’s Useful Knowledge Society hosted two speakers on March 7, 2017 to discuss how our city can prepare for intensification and population growth forecast to occur during the next 35 years.
Hamilton’s population is forecast to grow by 250,000 people during that time.
Two speakers, Richard Harris and John Nostrand, brought their insight to the discussion. Each provided a presentation that was followed by a question and answer period.

Posted inEditors Note

Follow-up: Teen Engagement and the Hamilton Public Library

The Hamilton Public Library is getting much better at tracking its data and producing in-depth reports on library usage. Last week, they released a report on physical circulation demographics across all the branches. The data shows teens are under-represented as borrowers of the library’s physical materials. This probably didn’t surprise anyone; however, at two branches […]