Posted inAdvisory and Sub-Committees

Hamilton City Council: Hamilton Renewable Power Board of Directors for September 28, 2016

Council’s money-making energy production enterprise company will hold a Board of Directors meeting to “apply to the Independent Electricity System Operator’s Feed-in-Tariff version 5 program”
The agenda for this committee is not publicly available on the City website because, apparently, adding agendas would break the City’s website.
The full agenda package is on The Public Record

Posted inAdvisory and Sub-Committees, City Hall

Hamilton City Council Capital Projects Work-In-Progress Sub-Committee for September 30, 2016

Council’s Capital Projects Work-In-Progress Sub-Committee meets September 30th to discuss the status of hundreds of Public Works capital projects.
The City does not make agendas for non-standing committees publicly available on the Internet. Apparently, they haven’t discovered the upload button in their Drupal CMS backend.
The members of this committee are: Collins, Conley, B. Johnson, Partridge, Pearson, and the Whitehead.
The meeting begins at 1:30pm in Room 192 at City Hall.