Hamilton’s weekly incidence rate remains above 150 as 94 new cases are reported on a day of province-wide low testing numbers and a near record high provincial positivity rate.
City Staff "Seriously" Considering Removal of Macdonald Statue from Downtown Hamilton
Canada’s first statue of Sir John A Macdonald could be removed from 2021 as City staff state they are “seriously” considering recommending removal as a “our high priority item” as part of the City’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
No Speed Radar Cameras for Four of Hamilton Six Most Risky Stretches of Road
The City’s Transportation Operations division reviewed 57 locations for possible installation of the cameras as part of the expansion of the City’s photo radar program. Of the top 10 locations with the most concerning scores, only half qualify for speed cameras.
Regularly Review DARTS Clients for Eligibility: City Auditor
Internal City Auditor hired expert consultant to review 150 approved applications, only found 49% clearly eligible, and calls for significant reforms to manage DART costs.
Proposed HSR Transit Capital Spending for 2021 Indicates Transit Will Restore Post-COVID
The proposed 2021 capital spend for Hamilton’s public transit agency, the Hamilton Street Railway, is $192,892,000. Of this, around 75 percent, $140,208,000 is being funded by other levels of government.
City Hires GM BluePlan, Jemma Consultants and Wood Canada Ltd. to Look at Chedoke Watershed
The consultants are holding meetings with various stakeholder groups, conducting research, and will be provide a report with both short term and long term project recommendations to improve the Chedoke Creek watershed.
Hamilton Council to Vote on E-Scooter Regulations
If adopted, e-scooters will be permitted on local roads, on-street bike lanes, multi-use trails adjacent to road ways, and some “key trails that provide a community connection benefit, are sufficiently wide and routinely maintained (and signed for use)”.
McMaster University Launches New LPAT Appeal Against City of Hamilton Over 1190 Main Street West
The rare appeal claiming a failure by the City to approve a site plan within 30 days will likely be rendered moot in the coming months once McMaster’s zoning appeal is settled.
Protest, Police, Pandemic, and Rights: Why the City Fining Sarah Jama Makes for a Charter Test Case
Monday’s ticket poses the question, can the government impose a public health limit on the number of people involved in an outdoor protest which follows all other public health regulations?
Protest, Police, Pandemic, and Rights: Camping in Front of City Hall
A look at the case law involving protest camps, the arguments advanced by the City for removal, and COVID regulations.