Cost of Inquiry now between $18 to 20 million dollars as City Council asked to give City Manager spending authority of up to $1-million more for extra external legal counsel for City Hall, and permission to hire more communications staff.
Clr Tom Jackson Says Trucks Downtown Are Not Safe nor Age Friendly for Seniors
Jackson is encouraging the Seniors’ Advisory Committee to speak against trucks in areas with large numbers of seniors as pedestrians and residents.
PHOTO: Council First In-Person Committee Meeting Since COVID
Hamilton City Council’s licensing committee, the Licensing Tribunal, held its first meeting since February 2020 this morning.
This is the first in-person City of Hamilton public meeting since the beginning of the COVID pandemic in March 2020.
City and Medallion Reach Deal to Allow New Nine-Storey Rental Building at 195 Wellington Street South
The Ontario Land Tribunal is expected to approve next week, the deal including protections for existing tenants with condition no building permits will be issued unless the City is satisfied tenants are properly relocated.
After Provincial Intervention, McMaster Wins Exception from Development Charges for Private Partnerships
The City of Hamilton agrees to amend its development charges bylaw to exempt McMaster’s private-public partnerships from DCs.
Ontario Auditor General: Province Failing To Prevent and Respond to Homelessness
Report finds a lack of tracking, data collection, spending oversight, and strategies as serious problems and calls on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and House to act immediately to standardize municipal approaches to homelessness, ensure reliable data collection, implement spending oversight, and to set standards for everything from affordable housing waitlist prioritization to emergency shelter operations.
Hamilton Planning Staff Releasing Discussion Paper on Migrant Farmer Residences in Jan or Feb
The paper will discuss servicing, location, and size requirements for this form of housing.
City of Hamilton Releases Proposed Truck Routes
Report recommends keeping major downtown streets as truck routes, but will prohibit nearly all double trailer vehicles from driving through the downtown.
Hamilton Health Sciences at 25 Years: Notes from Innovation in Real Places
The founding of Hamilton Health Sciences 25 years ago features prominently in this year’s Balsille Prize for Public Policy winner Innovation in Real Places: Strategies for Prosperity in an Unforgiving World authored by University of Toronto professor Dan Breznitz.
BRIEF: A City of Hamilton Museum Still on the Table
Hamilton City Council voted today to instruct city staff to keep working to find and create a physical space for a museum to display the City’s civic artifacts and educate people on the history of the City of Hamilton – including all our region’s former municipalities and the Indigenous cultures which were originally here. Last […]