Updates that used to be tweets…
Joey’s Notepad: September 24, 2024 Hamilton Committee of Adjustment
A quick note on tomorrow’s Committee of Adjustment hearings. I will be sitting in the public gallery observing during the meeting.
Hamilton Police Board Not Complying with Community Safety and Policing Act Closed Session Disclosure Rules
Hamilton’s Police Board is not following open meeting requirements to list closed session items and provide a general description for each, a requirement the Ontario Court of Appeal dealt with in 2007.
BRIEF: Ontario Government Plans to Impose More Additional Residential Units As-of-Right
Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government plans to incentivize the creation of more Additional Dwelling Units by overriding more local zoning controls.
Hamilton’s ADU zoning rules are among the most permissive in Ontario and will not be significantly changed by the new regulations.
Hamilton Police Board Holds Secret Budget Meeting, Violating Open Meeting Requirements
It is the latest secret meeting by the Hamilton Police Services Board. Police Boards are except from the open meetings oversight of the Ontario Ombudsman.
BRIEF: Vrancor Plans 39 Units in Adaptive Reuse of Vacant Warehouse in Ward 3
The proposal for 72-78 Stirton will create 29 new rental units while maintaining the exterior of a former industrial warehouse.
Ontario Land Tribunal Overturns Ward 12 Clr Craig Cassar’s Creative Blocking of Self-Storage in Ancaster Meadowlands
In one of the quicker OLT decisions in recent years, the Tribunal overturned Cassar’s blocking of a self-storage use at 1225 Old Golf Links Road.
BRIEF: Hamilton Library Moving Forward on West Harbour Library Branch
Library says the new branch will include dedicated spaces for Indigenous people, and a public cafe on the waterfront.
City of Hamilton Plans to Upgrade 350 Staff Meeting Rooms for Video Conferencing
Hamilton City Council has approved spending an undisclosed amount to upgrade over 350 meeting rooms across the City’s facilities.
City of Hamilton Moving Forward with Heritage Designation for the Former Cannon Knitting Mills
The designation will scuttle proposals by property owner Harry Stinson to build a tall building on the site.