Posted inCouncil Standing Committees, Videos

Hamilton City Council Public Works Committee for October 31, 2016

Hamilton City Councillors meet as the Public Works Committee to decide on PRESTO equipment maintenance contracts, closing an alleyway abutting 131 Ivon Avenue in Ward 4, adding on-street parking (while maintaining bike lanes0 at Stone Church and Upper Paradise, repairs to the Eastern Sanitary Interceptor Sewer on South Service Road at Fruitland Road, expanding floral traffic islands, urgently replacing water servicing on west portion of Scenic Drive and Goulding Avenue, begin City studies on a proposed private-public partnership at Roxborough Park in Ward 4 bordering the Red Hill Valley, and funding a feasibility study to convert Queen Street South to two way traffic.
Live video starts at 9:30am

Posted inCity Council Meetings, Videos

SPECIAL Hamilton City Council GIC Meeting on Light Rail Transit for October 25, 2016

Hamilton City Council is holding a special Council GIC meeting to discuss the Light Rail Transit B-Line construction.
There are 25 registered delegations today. Officially, there is a “reaffirmation” motion on the agenda, however, due to Council turning the LRT into a fiasco, it’s unclear what will happen with the motion, what other motions will be placed on the table, or even what the meaningful purpose of this meeting is.
Live video starts at 10:30am

Posted inCouncil Standing Committees, Videos

Hamilton City Council Emergency and Community Services Committee for October 24, 2016

Council will decide on a submission to the National Housing Strategy Consultation, a staff plan for the next three years of the early years community plan, a $30,000 increase to City funding of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, granting permission to CityHousing to sell 100 detached and semi units to fund new multi-res units.
Live video starts at 1:30pm