The Hamilton Police Services Board meets for their June 2015 with accountabilitiy and transparency being a primary theme of the meeting. The meeting will beginning with a significant delegation by the group Black, Brown, Red Lives Matter to the Police Board on the issue of carding. Replay Video
Hamilton Police Services Board Governance Committee for June 25, 2015
The Hamilton Police Services Board’s Governance Committee meets this morning to discuss a new media relations policy which is the centre of debate between Councillor Terry Whitehead and Chair of the PSB Councillor Lloyd Ferguson. Ferguson supports including gag provisions in the policy that will ban Board members from speaking to the media and public […]
Hamilton City Council for June 24, 2015
Council ratified their committee work of the past two weeks including: City position on the Provincial Planning Review, golf courses business marketing plan, Hamilton Health Sciences OMB appeal for increased parking near General Hospital, a City appeal of the decision in Canada Post v. City of Hamilton, a reconsideration motion on selling the Auchmar Estate, […]
Government Relations Sub-Committee for June 23, 2015
Council’s Government Relations Sub-Committee held a brief meeting to direct staff to organize a Hamilton Day at Queen’s Park and to receive staff information updates on government relations strategy.
Hamilton Council – Emergency & Community Services for June 22, 2015
A presentation from Dundas Living Centre on the campaign starts the meeting which will include discussion on affordable housing, the 2014 report on homelessness, and an update on the fiasco of the new provincial social assistance software. Live video starts at 1:30pm Monday.
Hamilton Council – Audit, Finance, & Administration Committee for June 22, 2015
The City’s toxic corporate culture is the main topic of discussion on this agenda. Councillors will receive an update on the current efforts to change the culture which are at the mid-way point to their 2017 goals. Of note, there will be discussion of the Council Code of Conduct and if it needs to be […]
Hamilton City Council GIC for June 17, 2015
Council meets in committee today to discuss a wide range of issues. Live video starts at 9:30am.
Intensification – The Hamilton Neighbourhoods Discussion
Replay Video Hamilton’s Ward 1 and 2 neighbourhood associations hosted a discussion on intensification with an informed group of panelists moderated by Ryan McGreal: Jason Thorne, the City of Hamilton’s General Manager of Planning and Economic Development Steve Kulakowsky, a developer from Hamilton-based Core Urban Inc. Dr. Jim Dunn, McMaster University Professor and Chair of […]
Hamilton Planning Committee for June 16, 2015
OMB appeals, three new developments, and the City’s response to the provincial growth plan are the items for the only Planning Committee meeting in June.
Hamilton Board of Health for June 15, 2015
A light agenda for the Board of Health with a staff update public health services preparation for the Pan Am Games, an update on the Food Strategy, and addressing an increase in reports of rat infestations in Hamilton.
Replay Video