Ward 3 Councillor Matthew Green wants the City to think how it will zone businesses selling legalized marijuana as the federal Liberals move forward on their promise to “legalize, regulate, and restrict access to marijuana.”
Road-Widening on Barton Street: Are We Finally Done This Insanity?
City’s road-widening 1970s dreams include a six-lane Barton Street. Jason Thorne says a report from his department is forthcoming to give the Director of Planning power to waive road-widening.
Hamilton City Council GIC for January 13, 2016
In just over an hour, Council completed the public portion of their only General Issues Committee in January. The one item they debated showed the influence of Citizens at City Hall as Councillors deferred a decision on extending municipal water service to a rural located bakery in Ancaster.
Hamilton Business Improvement Area Advisory Committee for January 2016
The Hamilton Business Improvement Area Advisory Committee discussed sponsorship revenue opportunities, revisions to the licensing bylaw, and the planned homelessness 20KHomes Point in Time Count.
Full replay video at the top of the story.
Hamilton Planning Committee for January 12, 2016
Planning Committee will debate wrong-way facing parking, parking on front lawns and six planning applications.
The Public Record will be at the meeting and will attempt to stream starting at 9:30am
Hamilton Board of Health for January 2016
Senior’s dental programs, community health promotion in disadvantaged communities, and restructuring of health care with the elimination of the CCACs were the main topics of discussion at today’s meeting.
Full Replay Video.
235 Rebecca Situation Will Test Long-Term City Response
City’s initial response to apartment flooding crisis commendable, real challenge is the long-term needs of displaced residents. Will the City sustain its response?
Local Soccer Advocate Proposes Seasonal Soccer Dome for New Stadium
Proponent offering City $100,000 annually to operate soccer dome at new stadium from December to April, will pitch an upcoming Council meeting on the idea.
Hamilton Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities, January 12, 2016
Accessible taxis and the lack of accessible washrooms on the Hamilton Beach Front Trail are two high-profile items on the ACPD agenda for January.
Director of Licensing Ken Leendertse will attend the committee for a question and answer forum on taxis.
Hamilton Future Fund Board of Governors Meeting, Thurs January 14, 2016
What’s happening with Future Fund funded projects at Auchmar, the Cannon Knitting Mill, Waterdown Memorial Hall, and the Library’s “Love Your City” project?
That’s the question the Future Fund Board of Governors is looking to answer at their first meeting of 2016.
The meeting is Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 2 p.m. in room 264 of City Hall.