A good news story out of City Hall. Hamilton’s Fire Department is giving used firefighting gear – which is scheduled for disposal in according with National Fire Protection Association standards – to Firefighters Without Borders.
Hamilton City Council Audit, Finance, and Administration Committee for August 2016
Council’s Audit, Finance, and Administration Committee will debate a $1-million loan request from CityHousing Hamilton to fund water saving initiatives and a request from the owner of 52 Cannon Street West for an exemption from development charges.
Live video starts at 9:30am
Hamilton City Council Planning Committee for August 9, 2016
Live video of City Council’s Planning Committee meeting.
Hamilton Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities for August 2016
Hamilton’s Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities will receive an update on the City’s elevator by-law – specifically how the City will require signage explaining the bylaw in devices with frequent breakdowns and these will be in braille – and a presentation from the Light Rail Transit on streetscaping high-level planning along the Hamilton LRT corridor.
Hamilton Port Authority – City of Hamilton Joint Liaison Committee for August 2016
A long dormant liaison committee – conceived in 2009 but never implemented – is holding its first meeting this week as the Hamilton Port Authority and City Council look to improve their relationship following the clash in the previous two years over the Port Fuels waste-to-energy plant proposal.
Hamilton Veterans Committee for August 2016
The Hamilton Veteran’s Committee will discuss improvements to the flag mounts on the Gore Park Cenotaph, have a presentation from Hamilton East-Stoney Creek MP Bob Bratina – a member of the House of Commons Veterans Committee, and discuss planning for commemoration services of the Dieppe Raid and Remembrance Day.
Hamilton City Council GIC for August 8, 2016
Council’s only full GIC meeting for the month of August is jammed packed: LRT preliminary traffic modelling, Accessible Transit Services Review Update, renaming Hamilton Place, Postal Banking, status of Employment Lands, forming a Land Development Task Force, selling Charlton Hall, Canada 150, WiFi in Gage Park, and a scathing report from the Ontario Ombudsman about an secret illegal meeting of the Election Compliance Audit Committee.
Full Replay
Hamilton West Harbour Sub-Committee for August 4, 2016
Hamilton’s West Harbour Sub-Committee receives presentations on the Real Estate Solicitation Process for Pier 8 and the Waterfront Recreation Plan from City staff, and an update from the Hamilton Waterfront Trust on its work on behalf of the City managing the redevelopment of Piers 5, 6, & 7.
Live video starts at 10 a.m.
Hamilton Committee of Adjustment for August 4, 2016
Hamilton’s Committee of Adjustment will hear 23 variance applications during its first meeting of August. Here are some of the applications that drew the attention of The Public Record’s Joey Coleman.
How Can We Make Crossing Highway 6 in Flamborough Safe for Cyclists?
With the increase in population in Flamborough, and the promotion of recreational cycling in the Greenbelt and along the Escarpment, there are more cyclists attempting to cross the ever busier Highway 6.