Annual presentations for 2015 and 2016, finances / City funding, and delays in stormwater infrastructure installation are among the items on the agenda for Thursday March 9, 9:30am meeting.
Hamilton Cleanliness and Security in the Downtown Core Task Force for March 9 2017
Graffiti on private utility boxes, the alley clean up Up Your Alley Project, discarded needles in alleys, litter, and marjiuana storefronts are the items on the agenda for the March meeting of the Hamilton Cleanliness and Security in the Downtown Core Task Force.
Hamilton Committee of Adjustment for March 9, 2017
Hamilton’s Committee of Adjustment will conduct 23 hearings, here are the hearings that caught my attention.
City Eliminates 23 Positions: 11 Directors, 5 Managers, and 7 Admin Staff
Hamilton City Council eliminated 23 positions as they grapple with a budget crunch as the City’s reserves near zero, assessment growth is not paying the full cost of expanding services, and the City’s debt is forecast to surpass $1-billion dollars.
Hamilton City Council Budget GIC for February 23, 2017: Public Delegations
City Council only allows delegations outside of business hours once per year, watch the full public delegations on the 2017 budget.
Hamilton City Council Public Works Committee for February 13, 2017
Full video of City Council’s February 13, 2017 Public Works Committee meeting.
Hamilton City Council Budget GIC for February 10, 2017: EcDev and Planning Budget
Full video of the 2017 budget presentation by Planning and Economic Development Department to City Council on February 10, 2017. Full Video Link // Full Agenda Link
In CHP. v. Hamilton, Courts Will Decide on Transgender Rights, Political Party Expression, and Federal Provincial Jurisdiction
It’s easily the biggest legal case out of City Hall yet – the Courts will decide on the balance between transgender rights and political party expression, combined with the classic question of Confederation – the divide and overlap between federal and provincial jurisdictions, this case is likely bound for the Supreme Court of Canada.
Here’s an overview of some of the issues and background in this case.
Hamilton City Council Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee for January 30, 2017
City Council’s Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee meet on Monday to receive staff updates and debate a request to add a LRT stop at Bay Street. The Committee voted to add the stop, which now has to be considered by Metrolinx. Metrolinx has the final say.
Hamilton City Council GIC for February 1, 2017: Ward Boundaries and More
Hamilton City Council meet for their first GIC of February, the headline issue was the final vote on Ward Boundary reform. Councillors voted for their own gerrymandered wards, despite a clear warning from expert consultants that the gerrymander will be indefensible at a Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
Councillors also received a task force report on workforce development, which will guide numerous private and public sector partners in the coming year.
Full video replay.