The Hamilton Public Library is getting much better at tracking its data and producing in-depth reports on library usage. Last week, they released a report on physical circulation demographics across all the branches. The data shows teens are under-represented as borrowers of the library’s physical materials. This probably didn’t surprise anyone; however, at two branches […]
A History of City Hall's Failure to Create a Meaningful Youth Advisory Committee
A not-so-brief history of how City Hall failed to make youth engagement a priority since 2000, and where youth engagement sits at City Hall today.
Hamilton Downtown Kresge Heritage Report Submitted, Demo Permit Nearing Issuance
A consultant’s Heritage Assessment for the Downtown Hamilton building which housed the Kresge department store is now being reviewed by City staff. Demolition permit may be issued once utilities are cut to building.
Hamilton Library Piloting Extending Rural Hours With Remote Video Librarian
New pilot will extend hours at rural Freelton Branch with no staff onsite staff, instead a remote librarian connected by video conference.
EDITOR'S STATEMENT: The Public Record and City Manager's Office Reach Understanding
The Public Record and the City of Hamilton City Manager’s Office have reached an understanding following last week’s incident involving the removal of TPR from a meeting of the Property Standards Committee.
TPR Asks City to Release New "Broadcast Policy" Used to Boot TPR from Public Meeting for Tweeting
The City of Hamilton is ignoring repeated emails from The Public Record for the new “Broadcast Policy” invoked by the City Manager’s Office to remove TPR for tweeting during a public meeting on Monday.
City Council Committee Unanimously Endorses New Transgender Policy
It was a milestone moment for both City Hall and Hamilton’s transgender and gender non-conforming community on Monday as Councillors on the Audit, Finance, and Administration Committee endorsed a new City policy and protocol. Full Video
The Public Record Kicked Out of City Hall Public Meeting for "Broadcasting" By Tweeting
Just another day at Hamilton City Hall… The Public Record was ordered to leave a public meeting of the Property Standards Committee today after the City Hall objected to the use of Twitter in the public gallery. The City says the use of a “electronic device” by a member of the public to post to […]
UKSH Presents: Getting Ready for Intensification
The event will discuss how Hamilton should plan and prepare for an expected growth of 250,000 new residents during the next 35 years.
The Public Record will be there and record the session.
HWDSB & City of Hamilton Liaison Committee for March 2017
City Councillors and School Board Trustees will meet to discuss City parkland dedication fees charged on development of new schools, new joint facility and construction agreements, sidewalks around schools, and plans for affordable housing at the Riverdale Community Centre.