Posted inCity Council Meetings, Videos

Hamilton City Council GIC for August 8, 2016

Council’s only full GIC meeting for the month of August is jammed packed: LRT preliminary traffic modelling, Accessible Transit Services Review Update, renaming Hamilton Place, Postal Banking, status of Employment Lands, forming a Land Development Task Force, selling Charlton Hall, Canada 150, WiFi in Gage Park, and a scathing report from the Ontario Ombudsman about an secret illegal meeting of the Election Compliance Audit Committee.
Full Replay

Posted inAdvisory and Sub-Committees, Videos

Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee for July 2016

Hamilton’s Municipal Heritage Committee will approve many heritage building permits – for minor (actually minor) alternations and renovations of existing designated building -, move forward the process of formally designating 21 Stone Church West and 140 Locke Street South, and receive updates on the status of vulnerable heritage buildings across Hamilton.
Live video starts at 12 noon.