Hamilton City Council’s Planning Committee approved an increase in height for the redevelopment of former All Saints Church Site at 15 Queen Street South at the intersection of King Street West at the edge of Downtown Hamilton.
Hamilton Council to Vote on Staff Report Recommending Projects for Provincial Greenhouse Gas Fund
Among the projects: Bike Share expansion, rehab of 500 MacNab North, and Central Library window replacement.
Council gives Friends of Aviary at Least a Month to Propose a Plan for Future of Aviary
City Councillors are giving the Friends of the Aviary at least a month to determine which of the competing Boards is the valid Board of the volunteer organization, and for them to propose a plan for the future of the Hamilton Aviary.
City Rat Complaints More than Double in 2017
The City’s Public Health Department says its received more than double the number of rat complaints thus far in 2017 than they did in all of 2016.
Council Praises HSR Director, Avoid Questions About Bus Operator Shortage
No critical questions were raised by Council, even has dozens of bus trips each week are not operated due to a growing staff shortage.
Council Miscalculation: How the Ward Boundary Settlement Sets Council’s Defeat at the OMB
Council thinks their settlement means maintenance of the status-quo; instead their self-dealing has created the conditions for their defeat at the OMB.
Morning Coffee Notes
A quiet day is expected at City Hall with only two advisory committee meetings. I attended the Business Improvement Area Advisory Committee meeting this morning; it was housekeeping. I’m hoping to get a lot of writing done in my office today; and on that note, I close this note early to focus on that writing.
It's Above Board: Ward 10 Councillor Maria Pearson Assisting as Agent on Minor Variance Application
I looked into the matter of Ward 10 City Councillor Maria Pearson serving as an Agent on a minor variance application in her ward. The variance will be heard on October 19.
I reviewed the application file, and spoke with multiple members of staff.
Mayor Fred Eisenberger Surprises Amazon … With An Amateur Pitch Video
Starting from its poor dreary image of Hamilton with green text proclaiming “A warm hello from the City of Hamilton” to it’s final screen with two different font colours with two different font faces, the video makes our great city look like the kind of place a fiction sit-com would be written in.
Hamilton City Council Planning Committee for October 3, 2017
Full Video of Council’s October 3, 2017 Planning Committee meeting.