Posted inVideos

Hamilton City Council Emergency and Community Services Committee for August 2016

Council’s EC&S Committee will look at changes to the “Municipal Housing Facilities By-law” to better reflect changes to CityHousing Hamilton financial sources and management and other legislative changes in the past decade – planning for more capital funding for CityHousing in 2017, continuing to operate the Snow Angel Program in-house, and more.
Live video starts at 9:30am

Posted inAdvisory and Sub-Committees

Hamilton Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities for August 2016

Hamilton’s Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities will receive an update on the City’s elevator by-law – specifically how the City will require signage explaining the bylaw in devices with frequent breakdowns and these will be in braille – and a presentation from the Light Rail Transit on streetscaping high-level planning along the Hamilton LRT corridor.