Posted inCity Council Meetings, Council Standing Committees, Videos

Hamilton City Council for January 27, 2017: 2017 HSR Budget Debate

City Council debated the 2017 HSR budget. The budget proposal was based upon the Council approved 10-year transit strategy, and the year three budget calls for Council to invest in transit after two years of incremental improvements funded primarily by fare increases.
Council voted to ask the HSR’s Director to return with budget proposals of a 3% or 1.8% budget increase.
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Posted inCity Council Meetings, City Hall, Council Standing Committees, Videos

Hamilton City Council for January 26, 2017: Library and Police Budgets

Hamilton City Council received and debated the 2017 Hamilton Public Library and Police Board Budgets.
The Library budget received extra attention – in the form of praise – from City Councillors following comments the week prior by Councillor Donna Skelly questioning the relevance of libraries in the Internet Age.
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Posted inCouncil Standing Committees

Citizen Seeks Public Police Spending Ledgers, FOI Request Denied. His Letter to Council:

The following letter was submitted by Hamilton resident, and retired public sector accountant, Shekar Chandrashekar, to City Council. Chandrashekar has been tireless in his efforts to bring transparency to civic finances in all departments, and has recently been trying to get the public police account ledgers. The information is legally public, held by the City, […]

Posted inCouncil Standing Committees, Videos

Hamilton City Council Audit, Finance, and Administration Committee for January 23, 2017

Council’s Audit, Finance, and Administration Committee heard a delegation from Shekar Chandrashekar asking for Council to make public police financial information available to the public – Council voted to ask staff to report on the request. At the end of the meeting – after a closed session debate – Councillors on the committee voted 3-3 against moving the City’s Transgender Policy proposal to the General Issues Committee. The policy will return to AF&A at a future date.
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Posted inAdvisory and Sub-Committees

Heritage Committee Votes to Save Shaver House in Ancaster from Demo, Will Council Agree?

The plot is familiar to Hamiltonians. A building of heritage interest is scheduled for demolition, a 60-day countdown to the permit being issued begins, a rush occurs as the Municipal Heritage Committee tries to determine if they wish to block the demolition by designating the building, a heated debate ensues, Heritage Committee decides it should […]