Posted inCity Hall, Editors Note

In CHP. v. Hamilton, Courts Will Decide on Transgender Rights, Political Party Expression, and Federal Provincial Jurisdiction

It’s easily the biggest legal case out of City Hall yet – the Courts will decide on the balance between transgender rights and political party expression, combined with the classic question of Confederation – the divide and overlap between federal and provincial jurisdictions, this case is likely bound for the Supreme Court of Canada.
Here’s an overview of some of the issues and background in this case.

Posted inCity Council Meetings, Videos

Hamilton City Council GIC for February 1, 2017: Ward Boundaries and More

Hamilton City Council meet for their first GIC of February, the headline issue was the final vote on Ward Boundary reform. Councillors voted for their own gerrymandered wards, despite a clear warning from expert consultants that the gerrymander will be indefensible at a Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
Councillors also received a task force report on workforce development, which will guide numerous private and public sector partners in the coming year.
Full video replay.