Posted inHamilton City Council, Videos

Hamilton City Council GIC for July 2017

Hamilton City Council spent over an hour in closed session getting ready for their fight at OMB to keep their gerrymandered wards, approved a new Scoring Criteria for the Sale of West Harbour Lands, debated – with over an hour of party political speeches – provincial legislation Bill 148, approved HD streaming by the City of Council meetings, approved a new Council agenda system, approved incentives to Union Gas for an expansion of gas service to Sheffield, approved a city-wide Land Sales Policy, heard a presentation from the Hamilton Port Authority, gave staff authority to approve fee rebates along Barton and Kenilworth, confirmed the receipt of $33-mil from higher levels of government for sewers, and received a report on reserve accounts.

Posted inHamilton City Council

Council Spends Over an Hour Behind Closed Doors Getting Ready for OMB Ward Fight

Councillors voted for their own gerrymandered wards, despite a clear warning from expert consultants that the gerrymander will be indefensible at a Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
As Council is fighting against their own experts, they’ve had to retain outside lawyers – at taxpayer expense – to fight the case.
The OMB pre-hearing is scheduled for August 3rd, 10am, at Dundas Town Hall.