Last Friday, during the City Council meeting, Mayor Fred Eisenberger expressed support for the pending proposal. Ward 4 Councillor Sam Merulla, who said he was video conferencing from Algonquin, said he hopes the change is made permanent to enable him to attend meetings remotely in the future.
McMaster's Main West Student Housing Project Clears LPAT Hurdle: Final Approval Imminent
City Council approved the development in October 2019, but McMaster had already appeal to the LPAT.
Toronto Star Poll: Interesting Public Opinion Data on COVID, Education, and Policing
The Toronto Star commissioned a province-wide public opinion poll, and released the 105-page report from the polling firm.
ANALYSIS: Mandatory Masking By-Law Is Really About Business Practices Not Individuals Masking
Once passed, and ratified by Council, the by-law imposes two primary obligations upon businesses – posting of signs and keeping employees safe when physical distancing is not possible.
City Hall Says Development Delays Caused by COVID Causing Delay in Development Fees Collection
The City originally forecast to collect $106-million in development charges for 2020.
As of June 30, the City has only collected $30-million. The decrease is primarily related to COVID development delays, Zegarac said.
Ontario Launches Public Consultation on Elevator Standards Until August 4
Among the proposals, standards for elevator service in residential buildings, and fines for violations. Former City Councillors says long overdue and needed for quality of life.
Joey's Notepad: Province announces $150-mil in one time Ontario-wide homelessness / housing funding
With Hamilton needing to modify existing emergency homeless shelters and potentially needing to create new temporary shelters, funding could be timely.
Committee of Adjustment Holds First Video Conference Meeting
Meeting runs smoothly as CoA approves all but one application.
Joey’s Notepad: A LRT Proxy Debate on Upper James Transit Studies
The picture is becoming more clear, LRT’s path to nine votes in favour needs either Ward 13’s Arlene Vanderbeek or Ward 7’s Esther Pauls, likely both.
TPR Email Edition for June 26, 2020: COVID Deficits, The Review Edition
What happened at City Hall this week, a long at our deficits which COVID has laid bare, and a proxy LRT debate on Upper James.