Council does a lot of fighting over a Task Force which has already served its purpose.
Summary of City of Hamilton COVID-19 Media Conference for May 15, 2020
The following is the summary of the press conference. Full video, as livestreamed by the City of Hamilton, is available on YouTube.
Hamilton Public Library "accelerating" plans for pick-up service this summer
Chief Librarian says HPL is working to safely provide access to materials as the COVID situation improves. Library pivoted online in March, using its existing Pandemic Plan to guide their response.
83% of Property Owners Paid April Tax Instalment, Representing 82% in Revenue
The most recent figures publicly released by the City of Hamilton for 2018 recorded 10.88% of properties in arrears.
Summary of City of Hamilton COVID-19 Media Conference for May 8, 2020
The following is the summary of the press conference. Full video, as livestreamed by the City of Hamilton, is available on YouTube.
Council to Decide if Students Continue Paying For HSR UPasses During COVID Closures
With student U-Passes representing approx. 17% of HSR’s annual revenue, Council faces a growing municipal deficit due to COVID-19.
Flamborough HSR Bus Service Cost Now Split Between Waterdown and Hamilton Ratepayers
With the change, the $538,000 annual operating cost of the 18-Waterdown HSR bus route is funded 68.8% by Waterdown ratepayers and 31.2% by Hamilton ratepayers for approximately $370,000 and $168,000 respectively.
Summary of City of Hamilton COVID-19 Media Conference for May 1, 2020
The following is the summary of the press conference. Full video, as livestreamed by the City of Hamilton, is available on YouTube.
Coleman's Notes: Public Transit Capacity, Ridership, and Costs during Social Distancing
Transit costs are directly tied to the public health objective of physical distancing, and the resulting deficits will challenge municipal finances.
Is Hamilton's Physical Distancing By-law Ultra Vires?
Good laws are clear, concise, and limited to serving the purpose of their enactment.
Here is how Hamilton’s proposed physical distancing by-law fails this test.