Posted inTPR LinkBlog

Suggested Reading: Chicago's Two-Flats (Duplexes) Are Threatened, from Block Club Chicago

An interesting read from Block Club Chicago discussing the city’s unique style of multi-family housing known as “two-flats” which serve a similar function to Hamilton’s duplexes. Unlike Hamilton’s duplexes, the Two-Flats were built to have an owner occupied section and a separate rental apartment. Much like Hamilton’s duplexes, Chicago’s Two-Flats are increasingly being converted into […]

Posted inOntario Land Tribunal

City Wants Downtown Hamilton Secondary Plan Brought into Force and Affect

There are three appeals, one of which the City is seeking to strike. The other two appeals are site specific appeals. One related to prohibitions on any new shadows onto Prince’s Square park in front of the Old Wentworth County Courthouse, and the other is a site specific appeal against the height limit.
The City is asking for the DTSP to be brought into force and effect for the remainder of the Downtown area.

Posted inColeman's Notes

Coleman's Notes: The People Lose Their Only Planning Appeal Support With Premier Ford's Closing of the Local Planning Appeal Support Centre

The LPASC closure comes at a time that Ontario’s planning appeal framework is in a state of flux, with the new Local Appeal Planning Tribunal (LPAT) which replaced the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) unsure if its authorities, requesting the Ontario Superior Court’s Divisional Court rule on a legal interpretation of LPAT’s governing legislation.

Posted inCity Hall

New Hamilton City Manager to Be Announced on March 20

The hiring committee held two illegal meetings, in contravention of the Municipal Act, on February 9 and February 23rd to decide their pick.
The full of Council must ratify the pick, and it’s not clear how many of the four Councillors who are consistently voting for transparency, accountability, and reform will support the pick.
The name may also leak in advance of the meeting.