Some of the adjustment files raise questions about City Hall administration, and City Hall is attempting to hide the files to avoid those questions.
Commonwealth Games Group Back to 2030 Focus
The Commonwealth Games still need to find a 2026 host, or face potential extinction.
Hamilton EcDev Manager Writes in International Journal on Downtown Revitalization
Hamilton is the Brooklyn of the north thanks to creative industries writes Manager of Commercial Districts and Small Business Judy Lam
Ombudsman to Council: Failure to Stream is a Closed Meeting Violation
TPR filed complaint after City stream of LGBTQ Committee dropped during a contentious discussion in October 2020.
Integrity Commissioners Decline to Impose Penalty in Clark Scandal
Facts require Integrity Commissioners to find Brad Clark violated the rules in making unsubstantiated allegations of corruption during recorded phone conversation with constituent.
LPAT Rejects White Star Group’s $33-Million Claim Against City of Hamilton
LPAT issues unusual rebuke against White Star asking why they’ve failed to developer their site, and the LPAT may issue an extreme rare costs order.
Council Votes Down Sidewalk Clearing Again
Staff say residents “that really don’t have any choice” are being stranded by “inconsistent sidewalk clearing”. Council says $12 per household to clear transit routes is too much.
Hamilton’s Ash Tree Removal Program On Schedule and On Budget
During the past eight years, 22,616 trees have been removed. Approximately 3,800 Ash trees remain to be removed
Hamilton Farmers Market Board Blows Up in Dysfunction, with Vendor Reps Storming Out
It is one of the worst displays of dysfunction on a Board known for being dysfunctional.
City of Hamilton Considering Adding Green Building Standards to Zoning
Already, municipalities have an array requirements related to materials, height, setbacks, landscaping, and design included in their zoning bylaws. Would adding environmental standards being much different?