Ward 11 Clr Mark Tadeson asked for confirmation that DARTS not being part of the City’s network enabled it to keep operating despite the City’s cybersecurity failure
Justice of the Peace Tosses City of Hamilton Building Permit Case
City Hall failed to follow-up on a building permit violation, and by the time the City prosecuted it was too late, rules Justice of the Peace.
Joey’s Notepad: Hamilton City Hall is the latest Broken Window
A note on broken windows in the Downtown, a now-common visible symptom of the challenging times in the Core.
COLEMAN: Time for Hamilton to Challenge McMaster on Non-Student Rentals
McMaster is now renting rooms at 10 Bay Street South to its staff and faculty. Council should demand property tax payments for non-student rentals.
98 James Street South is in Receivership, Again.
KSA Advisory overseeing the latest bust for the former James Street Baptist Church site in Downtown Hamilton.
Hamilton Police to Add Four Officers to Downtown Patrol
Chief Frank Bergen says HPS will “backstop” funding for three months as Councilllors hear from Downtown residents and businesses about growing safety problems.
Joey’s Notepad: Seniors Committee Resumes
Hamilton’s Seniors Advisory Committee will resume meeting in September, having only held three meetings thus far in 2024: January, February, and May.
BRIEF: Hamilton City Council Sept 5 Emergency and Community Services Meeting Cancelled
The EC&S committee has only met five times thus far in 2024, with eight scheduled meetings cancelled. This is the ninth cancellation.
The committee last met on June 20.
BRIEF: September Hamilton Council Public Health Committee Meeting Cancelled
City Council was expected to respond to the recent announcement that the Province of Ontario is closing supervised consumption sites no later than March 31, 2025.
Next Committee of Adjustment is All About How Hamilton is Intensifying
applications to divide large lots into two with the demolition of a single home to be replaced by two, four applications for additional dwelling units, one conversion of an apartment building locker room into a bachelor unit, and a height limit variance to permit solar panels on a roof.