The project was not well received by the City’s Design Review Panel in July due to the conflict between the buildings secure nature – and uninviting design – and its location in the Downtown Core.
Library Needs to Replace Windows at Central Library
“The City facilities group has identified the windows at Central [branch] as nearing imminent failure”.
Library budgeting $360,000 to replace.
Front Row Entertainment Wins Library Contract for "In The Round"
The first “In The Round” of 2016 is scheduled for March 11th when The Trews are scheduled to perform.
2016 City of Hamilton Operating Budget Review: 3.5% Increase Over 2015, 2.3% Preliminary Tax Increase
The City’s 2016 operating budget books are now public and senior city staff are forecasting a 2.3% tax increase for a budget maintaining the status quo from 2015.
Overall, a maintenance budget will increase spending by 3.5%.
First Look at Renderings and Plans for New HWDSB Lower City High School and Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre
City and School Board formally submit applications for new high school and recreation centre in Ward 3. A first look at the plans.
Council Approved Extended New Year's Service in 2007, Why Hasn't It Arrived?
Hamilton’s HSR is the only transit agency in the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area to not extend service on New Year’s Eve despite Council direction in 2007 to do so.
Dear Clr Partridge: It’s the HSR for Waterdown-McMaster-Hamilton Route
Councillor Partridge’s GO local Waterdown bus service motion is flawed: here’s why and what she can do to create a service to connect with McMaster.
City Website Implements Council Direction, Ads Dedicated Sponsor/Partner Advertising Space
The City of Hamilton’s new website now includes sponsorship advertising as part of the new design. This follows Council direction to find revenue opportunities from web based advertising. The result is a dedicated area at the bottom of the City homepage for “Sponsors / Partners” which plugs the programming corporations are paying to support in […]
Ottawa Provides Model for Election Compliance Cmte Appointments in Hamilton
We need to de-politicize the appointment of Hamilton’s Elections Compliance Audit Committee to create public confidence in the process of municipal electoral oversight.
In Winnipeg, Landmark Anglican Church Embarks on Development Similar to Hamilton's Cathedral Place
A heritage designed Anglican parish, a historic landmark in the heart of a vibrant downtown connected corridor, and a plan to build an eight-storey residential building that will generate needed funds for the revival and survival of the congregation that calls the church building home.