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Low-to-Mid-Rise Residential Building Elevators About to Be Added to Hamilton Property Standards Bylaw

UPDATE: The bylaw amendment passed at Planning Committee. Further Reading: City’s New Elevator Bylaw is an Interesting Stretch of Municipal Property Standards Powers The Hamilton Seniors Advisory Committee is getting one of their priorities onto the Council agenda as the Planning Committee looks to add the operation of elevators in low-to-mid-rise buildings into the Property […]

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Hamilton Council Emergency and Community Services Committee for February 8, 2016

Council’s E&CS Committee’s main topics of discussion today are an update on the Social Assistance Management Software, the McQueston Urban Farm, and delegations from the Hamilton Community Legal Clinic “respecting endorsement of a report to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights” and the YWCA Hamilton “respecting the YWCA Hamilton Transitional Living […]