Hamilton City Council meets as a whole for their only August GIC meeting today.
Council Begins Their Annual Budget Dance as 2018 City of Hamilton Budget Outlook Presented
The traditional budget process sees staff present a higher budget increase than Council will approval, and then Councillors spending eight months scaling it back. The process involves much theatrics, and being an election year, we can expect to see even more posturing than usual.
Council voted to instruct City departments to submit 2018 budgets with an increase of only 1.5%.
Hamilton City Council GIC for August 14, 2017 [Liveblog Replay]
Hamilton City Council meets as a whole for their only August GIC meeting today. On the agenda: 2018 Budget Guidelines, Tax Incentive Grant for 27 Bold Street, Environment Remediation Grant for 1165-1167 Cannon Street East, Cooling Off period for former Councillors, Creating a fashion incubator at the former Eastmount School in Ward 7, update on the Hamilton Future Fund, Poverty Reduction spending strategy, and buying school properties from the public and Catholic English language school boards.
Hamilton Design Review Panel Workshop on Hamilton's New Transit Oriented Corridors Zoning
Hamilton’s Design Review Panel met on August 10, 2017 for a workshop from senior City planning staff on the City’s new Transit Oriented Corridor Zoning.
The video and discussion is a good primer for those looking for an introduction into the concepts of the zoning and how it will interact with urban design in Hamilton.
Hamilton City Council Special Meeting on Light Rail Transit, August 9, 2017 [VIDEO REPLAY]
As for what the vote means to the LRT project both timelines and risks; it is not yet clear. Andrew Hope, the project lead for Metrolinx, says he needs to go back to consult with the Province as to how to proceed, and that at the least, this will delay the project a few weeks.
Hamilton City Council Debates LRT Unionization [Replay]
Hamilton City Council returns from three weeks of vacation today for a special meeting on the Light Rail Transit project. The Public Record is liveblogging from the meeting.
Replay – LiveBlog: Ontario Municipal Board Pre-hearing Ward Boundary Review
The Ontario Municipal Board is hearing an appeal registered by two citizens against Council’s gerrymandering of Ward Boundaries. This is a pre-hearing, which serves to identify parties, issues, and set dates for the full hearing.
Should Hamilton Adopt Oakville's Air Pollution Bylaw Regiment?
Councillors decide against an Oakville style bylaw, ask the province to implement tougher standards for fine particulate matter.
Council's LRT Meeting for August Includes Green Motion to Demand HSR Operate LRT
Environment assessment addendum and Green’s motion to push for HSR operation of the LRT are the two items on the agenda.
Greenwin Takes Fight to Convert Family Units to Singles to the OMB
The Committee of Adjustment voted to not approve the conversions, citing that the Committee does not have the power to amended site specific zoning amendments.