Posted inAdvisory and Sub-Committees

Heritage Committee Votes to Save Shaver House in Ancaster from Demo, Will Council Agree?

The plot is familiar to Hamiltonians. A building of heritage interest is scheduled for demolition, a 60-day countdown to the permit being issued begins, a rush occurs as the Municipal Heritage Committee tries to determine if they wish to block the demolition by designating the building, a heated debate ensues, Heritage Committee decides it should […]

Posted inCouncil Standing Committees, Videos

Council Backs Jason Farr, Overrules Heritage Committee, Approves Demolition of Gore Buildings for New Development

City Council voted to approve the compromise plan supported by Ward 2 Councillor Jason Farr to demolish the existing buildings at 18 to 28 King Street East in Gore Park, retain the facades of the buildings of the two buildings at 18 and 22. Hughson Business Space Corporation is planning to redevelop the site into […]

Posted inCouncil Standing Committees, Videos

Hamilton City Council Public Works Committee for January 16, 2017

Council’s Public Works Committee meets Monday to discuss the state of Hamilton’s roads, selling part of an alley in Beasley, the Kay Drage Park Trail, and a citizen delegation asking for bike infrastructure on Sydenham Road.
The full agenda is here, and The Public Record will post a recording of the meeting as soon as possible after its completion. The meeting starts at 9:30am.