Lawyer for the McMaster consortium is hopeful a deal will be reached before the end of 2020. LPAT agrees to postpone hearing to give time for sides to finalize deal.
Hamilton Development Charges Appeals Head to Mediation, with Exception of McMaster Appeal
The City and McMaster University continue to dispute the tax status of McMaster’s new for-profit private partnership student residence building.
CityHousing Hamilton Facing Multi-Million deficit in 2021 due to COVID and Rent Freeze
The deficit comes as City Council instructs CityHousing to freeze its budget at 2020 levels.
Internet to be included as a $15/mth fee at CityHousing’s 500 MacNab Seniors Apartments
CityHousing Hamilton says they hope to expand this type of service to other properties in Hamilton where HCE offers service.
Hamilton is Distancing Well: UToronto Report
An analysis of smartphone data by a group of University of Toronto researchers finds Hamiltonians have significantly decreased their contacts with individuals outside of their households and maintained physical distancing while reopening businesses and services.
Hamilton Development Industry Liaison Committee Video Conferencing Until at least June 2021
How long will City Hall meetings continue to be conducted by video conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic? DILG is the first to confirm video meetings into June of 2021.
Joey’s Notepad: 500176 Ontario Ltd. v. London (City) 27 O.M.B.R. 118
In which my interest in post-secondary students and local government results in my reading an old OMB ruling.
City Hall Calls Special Farmers Market Board, and Doesn't Post Public Notice
The Municipal Act requires the City of Hamilton to make meetings of Local Boards open to the public. During COVID, while meetings are being conducted by video conference, this means the City must livestream or provide members of the public with access to the video stream.
Tonight’s 5pm meeting is being held by Cisco Webex. The Public Record will post the meeting information at 4:45pm if the City does not make available a public link to view the meeting.
Hamilton Library Expanding Hours at 10 Branches
Starting October 19, evening hours were added at Central, Dundas, Red Hill, and Terryberry. The branches are now open Monday to Thursday evenings until 9pm.
On Monday, November 6, evening hours will be added at Barton, Concession, Kenilworth, Sherwood, Turner Park, and Waterdown branches. They will remain open Monday to Thursday evenings until 9pm.
Hamilton City Hall Proposes 4.28% Rate Increase, 4.0% Tax Levy Increase to Start 2021 Budget Process
A 4.0 percent tax increase would represent an increase of $146 for a home with average assessed value exclusive of area rated services.