Following the publication of the story, the City and Union representing the operators met and reached an agreement to reinstate them.
City Terminates Two Immune Compromised HSR Bus Operators Who Are Not Able To Work During COVID
Immune compromised bus operators sought safe alternative work such as contract tracing, the City is steadfast in its decision to terminate them. The Union is going to fight the terminations at arbitration.
Farmers’ Market Board Chair Resigns in Protest as City Council Demands Full Rent from Vendors Despite COVID Impacts
Eric Miller’s resignation letter states the Council have created a crisis in the Market by voting 13-1 to deny COVID rent support to vendors.
City of Hamilton COVID Press Conference Summary
The City of Hamilton held their once-a-week COVID press conference this afternoon. A summary of the press conference.
Hamilton COVID Data Update for January 18, 2021
Hamilton’s curve is going down as daily case counts decrease and the reproductive number is finally back below 1.
Hamilton City Hall Lobbying Activities: Director of Growth Planning Now Lobbying for Developers Weeks After Retirement
Long-time staff in the City’s planning and economic department have lobbied shortly after retiring in the past. E-Scooter lobbying is increasing as Council expected to vote on possible legalization of commercial e-scooter services.
Neighbours and Owner Reach LPAT Settlement Re: 315B Aberdeen Avenue
The deal will allow a two-storey detached home in the alleyway, but with conditions of title and privacy protections for neighbours to the west of 315B
Hamilton COVID Data Update for January 13, 2021
Hamilton’s daily new case number for today is 171, and hospitalizations continue to increase. Without full contact tracing, we do not know exactly where or how COVID is spreading in our community. During the past ten days, Hamilton Public Health says nearly 50% of cases are from close contact transmission. 28% of cases are “community […]
Ontario COVID Science Advisory Table Brief – Hamilton Information
Ontario is doing poorly at containing COVID, but in this context, Hamilton is managing better than other nearby regions.
Hamilton General Hospital is over-capacity in its ICU as the region facing a surge in COVID hospitalizations
Ward One Councillor Consults Disability Advisory Committee on HAAA Grounds Renewal Plan
ACPD thanked Wilson and the project matter for consulting them in the early stages of the project.
A public online meeting will occur on Feb 4, 2021