Hamilton Police report the missing senior was found on the morning of Sunday, December 6, 2015 and is safely back with his family.
Shift: Changing Direction in City Building with Dr. Pamela Blais [Video]
Dr. Pamela Blais spoke to a packed house Tuesday night about what Hamilton needs to do achieve the major shift in development patterns that LRT promises. Blais explain how our current system of development incentives are driving unsustainable sprawl and how the City can change those incentives to encourage denser more efficient growth. The free […]
City Releases Partial Video of Ferguson Physical Altercation, Half of Video Not Preserved
It’s only 15 seconds partially preserved video of the incident where Councillor Ferguson violently grabbed journalist Joey Coleman, but it is clear enough to prove the Basse Report false, to prove Councillor Ferguson was violent in his use of physical violence, that Coleman was standing where he should be in City Hall – the public foyer outside the media room -, and that Councillor Ferguson violated the City’s Zero Tolerance for Violence Policy.
Hamilton Library Proposes 1% Operating Budget Increase as per Council Request
Library expands services and community outreach while taking an expected $78,400 decrease in fine revenue as more materials are available digitally such as e-books.
Coleman's Multiball Roundup for November 17, 2015
A collection of noteworthy stories, links, and commentary I read yesterday which I deem shareworthy. (Multiball is a reference to my pinball hobby)
Is Hamilton Canada's Brooklyn? Ambitious City 2015 [Full HD Replay]
Is Hamilton Canada’s Brooklyn? This was the topic of the 2015 Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Ambitious City Event.
Carlo Scissura, President and CEO of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, provided the keynote which was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Steve Paikin where Tim Potocic, Terry Cooke, and Sevaun Palvetzian of Civic Action discussed how Hamilton can learn from Brooklyn’s success and how to avoid some of the challenges Brooklyn encountered during its revival.
Full video replay of the event.
Winnipeg Moving on Moving the Rails – Should Hamilton Follow?
Is Winnipeg providing Hamilton a road map for how to move the CN Stuart Street marshalling yard?
This editors says yes, we should be watching closely to see how we can achieve our goals here.
City: No Formal Application for Future of Mount St. Joseph Site
With 364 King Street West Demolished, the question now is what will Darko Vranich do with the property? With no formal application to the City, we look at what’s next for the Mount St. Joseph site.
Hamilton Town Hall on Carding
Replay video of Hamilton’s Town Hall into the police practice of carding.
The Alex Johnstone Controversy: Making Sense of It, and How She Can Still Win in HWAD
Analysis of the Johnstone Controversy including how Johnstone can still win in HWAD.