Hamilton’s Committee of Adjustment will hear 23 variance applications during its first meeting of August. Here are some of the applications that drew the attention of The Public Record’s Joey Coleman.
How Can We Make Crossing Highway 6 in Flamborough Safe for Cyclists?
With the increase in population in Flamborough, and the promotion of recreational cycling in the Greenbelt and along the Escarpment, there are more cyclists attempting to cross the ever busier Highway 6.
Cancelled: Hamilton Design Review Panel to Consider Gore Buildings Plan at August 2016 Meeting
What will Hamilton’s Design Review Panel think of the proposed design for the Gore Buildings at 18 to 28 King Street East in the heart of Hamilton’s Central Business District?
Postmedia Opening Digital Development Office in Kitchener, Keeping Ancaster Team in Place
Hamilton Council needs to create an clear plan and strategy to benefit from the explosive growth in the digital sector in both Waterloo and Toronto. We need to make sure the infrastructure is in place to ensure the gravitational pull of economic clustering does not see Hamilton losing IT jobs.
A Concept Plan for 30 Stories just south of St. Joseph's Hospital
SvN Architects + Planners post a concept Master Plan for the Charlton/John/Forest/Hughson Block which shows a 30-storey mixed-use tower to anchor the block at the corner of Hughson Street South and Forest Avenue.
It’s worth watching to see what is formally proposed after the City updates planning policies this fall.
Draft Hamilton Tall Buildings Study Earns Few Fans [Video]
Go taller, that was the feedback from property owners back in late April during the public unveiling of the draft version of the Hamilton Tall Building Guidelines.
Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee for July 2016
Hamilton’s Municipal Heritage Committee will approve many heritage building permits – for minor (actually minor) alternations and renovations of existing designated building -, move forward the process of formally designating 21 Stone Church West and 140 Locke Street South, and receive updates on the status of vulnerable heritage buildings across Hamilton.
Live video starts at 12 noon.
Hamilton Light Rail Transit Committee for July 2016 [Live Video]
The meeting will begin with two delegations – one from Mary Aduckiewicz of Denningers and one from Kelly Bistas of P&A Plastics Inc. Councillors will receive numerous correspondence items from citizens and businesses on the LRT, and receive a staff presentation on community outreach, and debate two staff reports on stop locations and layout.
The meeting begins at 1:00pm on Tuesday, July 26, 2016.
Congratulations to Hamilton's Jessy Lanza on making the Polaris Short List
Hamilton synth-pop singer Jessy Lanza is on the short list of 10 for the Polaris Music Prize. The winner of the Polaris Prize receives $50,000. All other short listed artists receive $3,000.
Woman In Hospital After Being Struck by HSR Bus at MacNab Terminal
A woman is in hospital with serious injuries after being struck by a bus at the MacNab Transit Terminal shortly before 10 a.m. this morning.