Joe was known by everyone. Active in ATU’s PAC, political action committee, regularly engaged in conversations at City Hall. Gone at age 30.
Video: August 18 City Council Debate on Waterfront Trust Transparency Motion
Here’s the full video of Hamilton City Council debating a motion for transparency from the Hamilton Waterfront Trust moved by Councillor Donna Skelly.
With Major Changes to Management and a New Slogan, HSR Wants to Be Your First Choice
With an aspirational slogan “HSR Your First Choice”, and major changes to HSR’s upper management structure – including a smart promotion, HSR Director Debbie Dalle Vedove signals that after a year, she’s planning to tackle the crises embattling Hamilton’s public transit agency.
Hamilton City Council for August 18, 2017 [Live Blog Archive]
City Council meets to ratify their decisions of the past week, and of the August 9 special LRT meeting.
With Council Looking to Change Art Gallery of Hamilton Funding, Can the Gallery Fix It's Deficit Problem?
Jackson says that he’ll bring forth a motion at a future meeting to remove the guaranteed $1-million per year in funding for the Gallery from the City, and have them evaluated as part of the arts funding process. This could result in more or less funding for the Gallery.
The Public Record's Week in Photos Review for August 7 to 13, 2017
Our new weekly photo gallery.
Hamiltonians March in Response to Charlottesville [Photos]
Over 150 people gathered at Hamilton’s main intersection of King and James, and marched along Hamilton’s downtown streets to Durand Park. The Public Record was there, and here are our photos:
Hamilton City Council General Issues Committee for August 14, 2017 – Video Replay
Hamilton City Council meets as a whole for their only August GIC meeting today.
Council Begins Their Annual Budget Dance as 2018 City of Hamilton Budget Outlook Presented
The traditional budget process sees staff present a higher budget increase than Council will approval, and then Councillors spending eight months scaling it back. The process involves much theatrics, and being an election year, we can expect to see even more posturing than usual.
Council voted to instruct City departments to submit 2018 budgets with an increase of only 1.5%.
Hamilton City Council GIC for August 14, 2017 [Liveblog Replay]
Hamilton City Council meets as a whole for their only August GIC meeting today. On the agenda: 2018 Budget Guidelines, Tax Incentive Grant for 27 Bold Street, Environment Remediation Grant for 1165-1167 Cannon Street East, Cooling Off period for former Councillors, Creating a fashion incubator at the former Eastmount School in Ward 7, update on the Hamilton Future Fund, Poverty Reduction spending strategy, and buying school properties from the public and Catholic English language school boards.