“It is the resident homeowners who actually vote here in the city” stated one person opposed. Another opposition letter stated “we say no to becoming another Hamilton Ghetto”.
Hamilton Public Health Seeking Library Staff to Support Vaccination Clinics and Campaign
Chief Librarian says HPL may reduce hours at branches to free up staff to support vaccination and help Hamilton reach vaccination numbers to being a wider reopening.
Ontario Land Tribunals to Merge into One Body
The short is significance of the change is that any member of the existing tribunals will be able to hear matters which had previously been the purview of the other tribunals.
Video Shows Hamilton Police Officer Lunge at Resident During Testy Interaction
Video of threatening behaviour by a Hamilton Police Office comes as public increasingly questions the role of police in society.
Ruining the Best Laid Plans, A Hamilton Tradition, LRT Edition
Since 1982, our best laid civic projects have been subject to endless debates at City Council, everyone becomes frustrated, and then a “saviour” proposal is draw on the back of a napkin.
Hamilton On-Street 2021 COVID Patio Applications to Open Next Week
The City is prepared to process applications quickly, and is “aiming for a April start” to the patio season, City of Hamilton Business Development & BIA Officer Julia Davis told Business Improvement Area representatives during their monthly meeting Tuesday morning.
City of Hamilton Updating Site Plan Guidelines
Current document dates from 2003 – long before the City began updating zoning to grant “as-of-right” permissions for developments which advance the City’s urban growth plan.
Oshawa’s Integrity Commissioner: Councillors Cannot Direct Bylaw Enforcement
Giorno, in a well written report, finds that the Councillor did use his office to try to influence enforcement and that this is a violation of the Municipal Act, the Police Services Act, and the Code of Conduct for the City of Oshawa. The Councillor did so in good faith.
TRANSCRIPT: Hamilton City Councillor Brad Clark Remarks on Alleged Corruption in City of Hamilton Building Department
Clark discussed alleged kickbacks in the City of Hamilton building department with noted anti-corruption watchdog Paul Manning.
Clark now states his remarks were “unfounded”.
COLEMAN: As Laurentian University Seeks Consumer Protection, Will Queen’s Park Push GTA Students to Non-GTA Universities?
Enrolment is concentrating at the big universities, and f the Province does not balance the system, other non-GTA universities may join Laurentian in fiscal crisis in the coming years.
A look at what this could mean for Brock and McMaster.