The Municipal Act states Councillors cannot be absent “for three successive months without being authorized to do so” but what does three months mean?
Medallion Looking to Redevelopment Mount Albion Plaza with Tall Buildings
As commercial strip mall plazas redevelop, Medallion proposes a “transformative” change following departure of grocery store.
“Betrayal” Says Councillor Jackson of New Sherwood Lanes Plaza Development Proposal
Developer wants to build a 14-storey building containing 358 dwelling units with 112 stacked townhouses behind the building – a significant change from their original plan.
101 King Street East Redevelopment Approved
101 King Street East, the smallest building on the block which housed Klassy T-Shirt for decades, is being adapted with a seven storey addition at the rear of the existing three storey building.
City Approves New Six-Storey Development at 11 Robert, but Appeals are Likely
A neighbouring restaurant and entertainment facility is concerned the residential tower will conflict with their businesses and negatively impact the neighbourhood.
Minister of Municipal Affairs Grants Hamilton Council Zoning Order
City Council requested the order in December to create affordable seniors housing in former office space on the first floor of First Place.
A Good Neighbour Letter of Concern About Parking Near New Downtown Development
Decision makers need to hear from competing interests to inform policies. Kudos to this letter writer for a respectful, honest, and comprehensive letter.
Hamilton Chamber of Commerce: Keep the Greenbelt, Expand into Whitebelt
Chamber calls for “establishment of a long-term plan for urban growth in the City of Hamilton that will produce a clear, staged approach to the development of all lands within the Whitebelt area and the full extent of the Airport Employment Growth District.”
Province Sends Hamilton $18.7-mil in new COVID Support Funds
The Province of Ontario announced $18,681,919 in new COVID support funding for the City of Hamilton in a press release this morning.
These funds are additional to $16,822,206 announced earlier this week for public transit COVID costs.
Council Asks Province to Update Them on LRT Talks, and Bid Process
“I find it almost embarrassing that there is this discussion going on there, outside of Council, that does not include Council, that has not included Council”, stated Ward 15 Councillor Judi Partridge who is a vocal opponent of the LRT project.