For the second day in a row, Hamilton City Council is having quorum issues with less than 50 percent of the councillors showing up on time for meetings.

Yesterday, Council failed to begin its budget public delegations meeting on time. During the meeting, councillors came and went, and quorum was lost a few times.

It is not that quorum is an onerous requirement. Only 50 percent plus one (7 9 of 16) members of council need to be present.

Day 2: CityHousing Hamilton Board Cancelled

Shortly after 9:00 a.m., today’s CityHousing Hamilton Board meeting was cancelled due to a lack of quorum. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m.

The councillors on the CHH Board are: Cameron Kroetsch, Nrinder Nann, Tammy Hwang, Tom Jackson, and Alex Wilson.

Quorum issues are the latest symptom revealing that this term’s City Council is adrift.

There are nearly two years left until the October 2026 municipal election.

Hamilton can ill afford to be led by a Council that isn’t showing up to work.

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  1. If they’re not showing up for important meetings like housing, when we have tents in our parks, they should be fired

  2. Is this being tracked in any formal way? Most reasonable ppl understand that a councilor can’t be available for every single meeting every single day, even if just due to illness. But there seem to be familiar names that pop up regularly. I’d like to know if it’s my own bias or if certain individuals are proving to be undependable

  3. Thanks for your transparency on this Joey. The CityHousing Hamilton Board meeting was cancelled, in advance, as there were too many regrets for the meeting (and it would not have achieved quorum as a result). I planned to attend and was available. I’ll let others speak to their absence.

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