Hamilton City Council's Grants Sub-Committee failed to make quorum on Monday, February 12, 2024 Credit: Joey Coleman

Hamilton City Council’s Grants Sub-Committee failed to make quorum on Monday with three of six members showing up for the meeting.

Ward 1 Clr Maureen Wilson, Ward 3 Clr Nrinder Nann, and Ward 5 Councilor Matt Francis were absent.

Clr Nann was in Toronto for a meeting with the federal Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Ward 2 Clr Cameron Kroetsch, Ward 6 Clr Tom Jackson, and Ward 11 Clr Mark Tadeson were present.

The Committee was expected to approve a consultation process to “develop a further equitable City Enrichment Fund process” to increase funding allocations for equity-deserve/seeking groups.

The City’s Enrichment Fund provides a variety of grants to community groups and charities. In recent years, Councils have increased funding to the program, allowed for total funding for applications of $15,000 or less, and streamlined applications to reduce administrative burdens in applying for funds.

CEF applications have increased by 28 percent this year (2024), compared to last (2023). There are 430 applicants this year, there were 337 last. Applications for 2024 were submitted in December.

Councillors were also expected to approve an increase of $134,710 to this year’s funding amount.

Today’s agenda items will be placed on the Council Audit, Finance, and Administration agenda for Thursday, February 22.

Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: February 12, 2024
Last edited: February 12, 2024
Author: Joey Coleman
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