Cadillac Fairview is looking to begin the redevelopment of Lime Ridge Mall into a mixed-use community beginning with two residential 12-storey buildings on the northern edge of the property and changing space formerly occupied by Sears into a restaurant district with an internal food court.
The new mid-rise buildings will contain 320 residential units. The planned tenure of the units is not part of the design review documentation. The residential units at CF’s redevelopment of its Richmond Centre mall are investor condos.
The new residential buildings will abut the Fortino’s plaza property, where there is presently parking for the mall.

A parking structure will be constructed between the mall and residential. The former Sears department store will be demolished and replaced with 100,000 square feet of new commercial space. The former Sears portion of the mall is approximately 150,000 square feet.
As part of the plan, Cadillac Fairview will begin creating pedestrianized connections in and out of the mall property to the surrounding community.
The City of Hamilton is contributing $3.3-million to build a new HSR bus terminal using Metrolinx “quick wins” funding the City received in 2008. The new terminal will be on the other side of the property, nearer to the Lincoln Alexander Parkway.

The new plan is similar to Fairview a 2018 proposal which envisioned a box restaurant concept for the former Sears. This new plan better meets the City of Hamilton’s planning priority of creating pedestrian-friendly environments.
The City of Hamilton and Cadillac Fairview negotiated changes to the zoning of Lime Ridge Mall, during the City’s city-wide commercial mixed-use zoning plan, to allow this type of development proposal to be approved by planning staff as a Site Plan Approval.
City staff are asking Hamilton’s Design Review Panel to review the proposal.
The Panel will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:45 pm to discuss the plan.
Members of the public can request to view the meeting by emailing the City’s Design Review Panel coordinator at by 12:00 noon on Wednesday.
Malls across North America are redeveloping into mixed-use properties.
In Hamilton, there is an active planning application to redevelop the large strip mall property at 200 Centennial Parkway North.
Eastgate Square on the Hamilton / Stoney Creek border is working on a redevelopment plan. It has not yet been filed with the City.
Production Details Current Version: 2.0.0 First published: June 4, 2022 Last edited: June 4, 2022 Author: Joey Coleman Edit Record v. 1.0.0 original version v. 2.0.0 revamped with design review documents posted by the City of Hamilton
Hey Joey, just a heads up the “investor condos” link appears to be broken.
Thank you for letting me know. Fixed.
Finally…. They read my mind
All malls should do this. Retail shopping at your doorstep
It’s about time!
Hey Joey, could the city not mandate that the new construction is 20% affordable living? We throw money to these companies and get nothing out of it.
Our city council is an embarrassment.
The City is about to embark on a community benefits study. To be honest, I do not know what percentage, if any, should be included in developments due to the complexity of the finances. Definitely a topic I should try to spend more time diving into.
I’ll be covering the study as it progresses. Thank you for commenting, sorry I could not give a definitive answer.
Great idea! As us baby boomers age we need places like this where it’s all in one, residential and commercial at your doorstep !
I miss Sears but nice to see the space is finally being utilized in a productive manner….plans look great from the outside….love the patio idea! Need more patios/cafes on the mountain….
To bad they didn’t think of this before destroying Centre Mall and Woolco Plaza, box stores are so inconvenient!
Looks nice but more condos? We keep hearing ad nauseum about the need for affordable housing in this city. Any AH units in this new development? Probably not. This is a city issue that needs to be addressed by The City. There cannot be a solution without a champion at City Hall. Until council and the bureaucratic leadership decide to make AH a requirement, it won’t happen.